CEL - Chinese-English Dictionary

author: Richard Warmington

CEL is a Chinese-English dictionary search utility that is designed to help Chinese language learners to read Chinese electronic texts in other applications such as Web browsers and word processors.

CEL3BETA.ZIP (about 27 KB)
Contains the executable file CEL3BETA.EXE (version 3-Beta of CEL), the documentation file CEL2DOC.TXT (not modified since Ver. 2), and two auxiliary files needed to run CEL3BETA, CMDIALOG.VBX and ACTIVATE.EXE.

CEDICTB5.ZIP (about 395 KB)
Contains the Chinese-English dictionary CEDICT.B5 (Big5-encoded) and its accompanying information file CEDICT_README.TXT. CEDICT is updated from time to time. The version I have here was released on 18th January 2001. The latest Big5 and GB versions of CEDICT are at Erik Peterson's MandarinTools website.

OS: Windows Size : 0.42MB
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